DNN with backpropagation in C++, part 9

CIFAR-10 image classification in C++

Previous posts can be found at:

“DNN with backpropagation in C++, part 8. Implementing convolution layer in C++”

“DNN with backpropagation in C++, part 7. Putting it all together”

“DNN with backpropagation in C++, part 6. Cross-entropy Error”

“DNN with backpropagation in C++, part 5. Adding Softmax layer”

“DNN with backpropagation in C++, part 4. Adding sigmoid activation”

“DNN with backpropagation in C++, part 3. Dense layer with backpropagation and bias”

“DNN with backpropagation in C++, part 2. Two layer NN with backpropagation”

“DNN with backpropagation in C++, part 1. Dense layer with backpropagation”

Let’s use convolution layer from the previos post to built a simple image classification DNN.

We’ll train it to classify images form CIFAR-10 dataset.

CIFAR-10 dataset

CIFAR-10 dataset is commonly used to benchmark deep learning image classification algorithms.

There are 50000 images in the trfaining dataset and 10000 images in validation dataset.

The dataset contains 60000 of 32x32x3 color images from 10 classes:

0 airplane
1 automobile
2 bird
3 cat
4 deer
5 dog
6 frog
7 horse
8 ship
9 truck

Example of CIFAR-10 image with label 7:


Let’s download the dataset and extract it into data folder.

We’ll use binary version of the dataset containing data_batch_1.bin, data_batch_2.bin, …, data_batch_5.bin, and test_batch.bin.

$ wget https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-10-binary.tar.gz
$ tar xf cifar-10-binary.tar.gz
$ tree cifar-10-batches-bin/
├── batches.meta.txt
├── data_batch_1.bin
├── data_batch_2.bin
├── data_batch_3.bin
├── data_batch_4.bin
├── data_batch_5.bin
├── readme.html
└── test_batch.bin

Dataset binary files are formatted as follows:

<1 x label><3072 x pixel>
<1 x label><3072 x pixel>
<1 x label><3072 x pixel>

The first byte is image label, the next 3072 bytes are pixel values. The first 1024 bytes are the red channel values, the next 1024 the green channel, and the final 1024 the blue channel. The values are stored in row-major order, so the first 32 bytes are the red channel values of the first row of the image.

C++ implementaiton of CIFAR dataset parser

Using CIFAR-10 format information, we can implement C++ code for reading images and labels.

Include header files used in the code.

#pragma once

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ndarray.h"

Add comment with specification and format of the binaries.

 * CIFAR-10 dataset
 * Dataset description and format can be found at https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html
 * Dataset contains 5 training binary files and 1 validation binary:
 *  data_batch_1.bin
 *  data_batch_2.bin
 *  data_batch_3.bin
 *  data_batch_4.bin
 *  data_batch_5.bin
 *  test_batch.bin
 * Dataset binary files are formatted as follows:
 * <1 x label><3072 x pixel>
 * <1 x label><3072 x pixel>
 * ...
 * <1 x label><3072 x pixel>
 * The first byte is image label, the next 3072 bytes are pixel values.
 * The first 1024 bytes are the red channel values, the next 1024 the green channel, and the final 1024 the blue channel.
 * The values are stored in row-major order, so the first 32 bytes are the red channel values of the first row of the image.

Template C++ class for reading CIFAR dataset:

  • dataset constructor from provided list of binariy files;

  • read_next(image, label) function for reading next image and next label values, and scaling pixel values to floating point [0, 1) range;

  • rewind() to reset dataset file pointers to start after each epoch;

  • default scaling from uint8 [0,255] range to float32 [0, 1) range.

 * Default scaling funtion to convert from uint8 pixels in [0:255] range to floating point values in [0, 1) range
auto scale = [](float& ro, float& go, float& bo, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) -> void
  ro = (static_cast<float>(r)) / 256.0;
  go = (static_cast<float>(g)) / 256.0;
  bo = (static_cast<float>(b)) / 256.0;

 * CIFAR dataset class
 * num_classes=10 and image size=28x28 are as per dataset specifiction
 * typename T=float is type of the data returned by read_next_image call
template<int num_classes = 10,
         int height      = 32,
         int width       = 32,
         int channels    = 3,
         typename T      = float,
         void (*transform)(T&, T&, T&, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t) = scale >
struct cifar
  enum error
      CIFAR_OK = 0,
      CIFAR_EOF = -1,
      CIFAR_ERROR = -2

  /* images file descriptor */
  size_t batch_index = -1;
  std::vector<int> fds;
  int num_records = 0;
  static constexpr int record_size_bytes = height * width * channels + 1;

   * Initialize dataset from batch files
  cifar(std::vector<const char*> batches)
    for (auto batch_path: batches)
        int fd = open(batch_path, O_RDONLY);
        assert(fd != -1);
        auto size = file_size(fd);
        num_records += size / record_size_bytes;
    batch_index = 0;

   * Close file descriptors in destructor
    for (auto fd: fds)
        assert(fd != -1);

   * Read next image and label
   * Apply transformation to image pixes as defined in template parameters
   * Convert label to on-hot encoded format
  int read_next(ndarray<T, channels, height, width>::type& x,
               std::array<T, num_classes>& label_onehot)
    int ret;
    typename ndarray<uint8_t, channels, height, width>::type raw;
    uint8_t label = -1;

    ret = read_from_batch(&label, sizeof(label));
    if (ret != sizeof(label))
        return CIFAR_EOF;

    assert(label < num_classes);

    std::fill(label_onehot.begin(), label_onehot.end(), 0);
    label_onehot[label] = 1.0;

    for(int channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++)
        for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
            ret = read_from_batch(raw[channel][i].data(), width);
            if (ret != width)
                return CIFAR_EOF;

    for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
            (*transform)(x[0][i][j], x[1][i][j], x[2][i][j], raw[0][i][j], raw[1][i][j], raw[2][i][j]);

    return CIFAR_OK;;

   * Rewind dataset to start
  void rewind()
    for (auto fd: fds)
        assert(fd != -1);
        lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
    batch_index = 0;

   * Read binary data from current batch.
   * Go to the next batch if at the end of current batch.
   * Return 0 if at the end of the last batch.
  int read_from_batch(uint8_t* data, size_t size)
    int ret = read(fds[batch_index], data, size);

    if (ret == 0)
        batch_index += 1;
        if (batch_index >= fds.size())
            return ret;
        ret = read(fds[batch_index], data, size);

    return ret;

   * Return file size for file descriptor fd
  static size_t file_size(int fd)
    auto pos = lseek(fd, (size_t)0, SEEK_CUR);
    auto size = lseek(fd, (size_t)0, SEEK_END);
    lseek(fd, pos, SEEK_SET);
    return size;


F1 score

To validate training results I’ll be using multi-class F1 score metric, a common metric for rating accuracy of a classification DNNs.

Each class score is harmonic mean of precision and recall scores. Output score is mean of all class scores.

\[F1(class) = \frac {2 * Precision(class) * Recall(class)} {Precision(class) + Recall(class)}\]


\[Precision(class) = \frac {TruePositives(class)} {TruePositives(class) + FalsePositives(class)}\] \[Recall(class) = \frac {TruePositives(class)} {TruePositives(class) + FalseNegatives(class)}\]

More details about F1 score can be found in Part 7 Putting it all together

Training loop

C++ main() function contains training/validation loops. It is also reporting loss and F1 score for train and validation datasets.

We’ll create an instance of convolutional NN consisting of series of convolution layers, increasing number of channels by 2, and reducing dimension of input by 2 after each 2 layers.

Include required heared files:

#include <cstdio>
#include <array>
#include <variant>
#include <cmath>
#include "cifar.h"
#include "ndarray.h"
#include "f1.h"

Initializers are used to set values of dense and convolution layer weights.

 * Random uniform weights initializer
template <typename T=float>
constexpr auto random_uniform_initializer = [](T& x) -> void
   * Return random values in the range [-0.1, 0.1]
  x = (static_cast<float>(rand()) / static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX) - 0.5) / 5.0;

 * Constant value initializer
template <typename T=float>
struct generate_const
  T value = 0;
  generate_const(T init_value=0)
    value = init_value;
  void operator()(T& x)
    x = value;

Dense class template with parameters:

  • num_inputs: length of layer input vector
  • num_outputs: length of dense layer output vector
  • T: type of input, output, weights, biases
  • weights_initializer: function to use to initialize layer weights
  • bias_initializer: function to use to initialize layer biases
 * Dense layer class template
 * Parameters:
 *  num_inputs: number of inputs to Dense layer
 *  num_outputs: number of Dense layer outputs
 *  T: input, output, and weights type in the dense layer
 *  initializer: weights initializer function
template<size_t num_inputs,
         size_t num_outputs,
         bool use_bias = true,
         typename T=float,
         void (*weights_initializer)(T&) = random_uniform_initializer<>,
         void (*bias_initializer)(T&) = random_uniform_initializer<> >
struct Dense

   * input outut vector type definitions
  typedef std::array<T, num_inputs> input_vector;
  typedef std::array<T, num_outputs> output_vector;

   * dense layer weights matrix W, used in y = X * W
  std::array<input_vector, num_outputs> weights;

   * bias vector
  output_vector bias;

   * dw is accumulating weight updates in backward() pass.
  std::array<input_vector, num_outputs> dw;

   * db is accumulating bias updates in backward() pass.
  output_vector db;

   * x is for saving input to forward() call, used later in the backward() pass.
  input_vector x;

   * Default dense layer constructor
     * Initialize weights and biases
    for_each_nd(weights, *weights_initializer);
    for_each_nd(bias, *bias_initializer);

     * Initialize dw, db

   * Dense layer forward pass
   * Computes X * W + B
   *  X - input row vector
   *  W - weights matrix
   *  B - bias row wector
  output_vector forward(const input_vector& input_x)
     * Save input X, whoch is used in backward()
    x = input_x;

     * Check for input size mismatch
    assert(x.size() == weights[0].size());

     * Layer output is dot product of input with weights
    output_vector y;
    transform(weights.begin(), weights.end(), bias.begin(), y.begin(),
              [this](const input_vector& w, T bias)
                T y_i = inner_product(w.begin(), w.end(), x.begin(), 0.0);
                if (use_bias)
                    y_i += bias;
                return y_i;

    return y;

   * Dense layer backward pass
  input_vector backward(const output_vector& grad)
     * Weight update according to SGD algorithm with momentum = 0.0 is:
     *  w = w - learning_rate * d_loss/dw
     * d_loss/dw = dlos/dy * dy/dw
     * d_loss/dbias = dloss/dy * dy/dbias
     * dloss/dy is input gradient grad
     * dy/dw is :
     *  y = w[0]*x[0] + w[1] * x[1] +... + w[n] * x[n] + bias
     *  dy/dw[i] = x[i]
     * dy/dbias is :
     *  dy/dbias = 1
     * For clarity we:
     *  first compute dw
     *  second update weights by subtracting dw

     * Compute backpropagated gradient
    input_vector grad_out;
    std::array<std::array<T, num_outputs>, num_inputs> weights_transposed;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_inputs; i++)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < num_outputs; j++)
            weights_transposed[i][j] = weights[j][i];

    transform(weights_transposed.begin(), weights_transposed.end(), grad_out.begin(),
              [grad](output_vector& w)
                T val = inner_product(w.begin(), w.end(), grad.begin(), 0.0);
                return val;

     * accumulate weight updates
     * compute dw = dw + outer(x, grad)
    transform(dw.begin(), dw.end(), grad.begin(), dw.begin(),
              [this](input_vector& left, const T& grad_i)
                /* compute outer product for each row */
                auto row = x;
                for_each(row.begin(), row.end(), [grad_i](T &xi){ xi *= grad_i;});

                /* accumulate into dw */
                std::transform (left.begin(), left.end(), row.begin(), left.begin(), std::plus<T>());
                return left;

     * accumulate bias updates
    std::transform(db.begin(), db.end(), grad.begin(), db.begin(), std::plus<T>());

    return grad_out;

   * Update Dense layer weigts/biases using accumulated dw/db
  void train(float learning_rate)
     * compute w = w - learning_rate * dw
    transform(weights.begin(), weights.end(), dw.begin(), weights.begin(),
              [learning_rate](input_vector& left, input_vector& right)
                transform(left.begin(), left.end(), right.begin(), left.begin(),
                          [learning_rate](const T& w_i, const T& dw_i)
                            return w_i - learning_rate * dw_i;
                return left;

     * compute bias = bias - learning_rate * db
    if (use_bias)
         * compute bias = bias - grad
        transform(bias.begin(), bias.end(), db.begin(), bias.begin(),
                  [learning_rate](const T& bias_i, const T& db_i)
                    return bias_i - learning_rate * db_i;

     * Reset accumulated dw and db

   * Reset weigth and bias gradient accumulators
  void reset_gradients()
    for_each_nd(dw, generate_const<T>());
    for_each_nd(db, generate_const<T>());


2D convolution layer class template parameters are:

input height and width, number of input and output channels, kernel size, stride, optional bias,and optional weight initializers.

 * 2D convolution class template
template<int channels_out,      /* output channels */
         int channels_inp,      /* input channels */
         int input_height,      /* input height */
         int input_width,       /* input width */
         int kernel_size = 3,   /* kernel size */
         int stride = 1,        /* stride */
         bool use_bias = false, /* enable bias flag */
         typename T = float,    /* convolution data type */
         void (*weights_initializer)(T&) = random_uniform_initializer<>,
         void (*bias_initializer)(T&) = random_uniform_initializer<> >
struct Conv2D
   * Conv layer input
  typedef ndarray<T, channels_inp, input_height, input_width> input_array;
  typedef input_array::type conv_input;

   * Conv layer output
   * Assume output dimention is the same as input dimention
   * This is equivalet to padding="same" in Keras
  static const int output_width  = (input_width  + stride - 1) / stride;
  static const int output_height = (input_height + stride - 1) / stride;
  typedef ndarray<T, channels_out, output_height, output_width> output_array;
  typedef output_array::type conv_output;

   * Input zero padding required for "same" convolution padding mode.
   * Padding calculation below is consistent with Keras implementation.
  static constexpr int pad_left = ((input_width & 1) == 0) ?  kernel_size / 2 - stride / 2 :  kernel_size / 2;
  static constexpr int pad_right = kernel_size / 2 + kernel_size / 2 - pad_left;

   * Weights are in Output, Input, Height, Width (OIHW) format
   * dw is weights gradient
  typedef ndarray<T, channels_out, channels_inp, kernel_size, kernel_size>::type conv_weights;
  conv_weights weights;
  conv_weights dw;

   * Bias is 1D vector
   * db is bias gradient
  typedef array<T, channels_out> conv_bias;
  conv_bias bias;
  conv_bias db;

  conv_input x;

   * Default convolution constructor
    for_each_nd(weights, *weights_initializer);
    for_each_nd(bias, *bias_initializer);
    for_each_nd(dw, generate_const<T>());
    for_each_nd(db, generate_const<T>());

   * Forward path computes 2D convolution of input x and kernel weights w
  conv_output forward(const conv_input& input_x)
    conv_output y;

     * Save input X, used in backward
    x = input_x;

    for (int output_channel = 0; output_channel < channels_out; output_channel++)
        for_each_nd(y[output_channel], generate_const{use_bias * bias[output_channel]});

    for (int output_channel = 0; output_channel < channels_out; output_channel++)
        for (int input_channel = 0; input_channel < channels_inp; input_channel++)
            convolution_nd<T, pad_left, stride, 1>(y[output_channel],

    return y;

   * Backward path computes:
   *  - weight gradient dW
   *  - bias gradient dB
   *  - output gradient dX
  conv_input backward(const conv_output& grad)
     * Compute weight gradient dw

    for (int output_channel = 0; output_channel < channels_out; output_channel++)
        for (int input_channel = 0; input_channel < channels_inp; input_channel++)
            convolution_nd<T, pad_left, 1, stride>(dw[output_channel][input_channel],

     * Compute bias gradient db
    for (int output_channel = 0; output_channel < channels_out; output_channel++)
        db[output_channel] += std::accumulate(grad[output_channel].cbegin(),
                                              [](auto total, const auto& grad_i)
                                                return std::accumulate(grad_i.cbegin(),

     * Compute output gradient dX
     * dX is convolution of dilated gradient and flipped kernel
    conv_input dx = {};

    for (int output_channel = 0; output_channel < channels_out; output_channel++)
        for (int input_channel = 0; input_channel < channels_inp; input_channel++)
             * Flip kernel weights
            auto weights_rot180 = weights[output_channel][input_channel];
            rotate_180<T, kernel_size>(weights_rot180);

             * Dilate graient
            auto grad_dilated = dilate<stride>(grad[output_channel]);

             * Compute convolution
            convolution_nd<T, pad_right, 1, 1>(dx[input_channel], grad_dilated, weights_rot180);

    return dx;

   * Apply previously computed weight and bias gradients dW, dB, reset gradients to 0
  void train(float learning_rate)
     * compute w = w - learning_rate * dw
    for (int input_channel = 0; input_channel < channels_inp; input_channel++)
        for (int output_channel = 0; output_channel < channels_out; output_channel++)
            for (size_t i = 0; i < kernel_size; i++)
                for (size_t j = 0; j < kernel_size; j++)
                    auto weight_update =  learning_rate * dw[output_channel][input_channel][i][j];
                    weights[output_channel][input_channel][i][j] -= weight_update;

     * compute bias = bias - learning_rate * db
    if (use_bias)
        for (int output_channel = 0; output_channel < channels_out; output_channel++)
            bias[output_channel] -= learning_rate * db[output_channel];

     * Reset accumulated dw and db

   * Reset accumulated weight and bias gradients
  void reset_gradients()
    for_each_nd(dw, generate_const<T>());
    for_each_nd(db, generate_const<T>());

   * Rotate square 2D array by 180 degrees
  template<typename X, std::size_t N>
  void rotate_180(typename ndarray<X, N, N>::type& x)
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N / 2; i++)
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < N; j++)
            auto t = x[i][j];
            x[i][j] = x[N - i - 1][N - j - 1];
            x[N - i - 1][N - j - 1] = t;

     * Odd dimension
    if (N & 1)
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < N / 2; j++)
            auto t = x[N / 2][j];
            x[N / 2][j] = x[N / 2][N - j - 1];
            x[N / 2][N - j - 1] = t;

    template<int dilation>
  auto dilate(const typename ndarray<T, output_height, output_width>::type& x)
    constexpr auto dilated_height = (output_height - 1) * stride  + 1;
    constexpr auto dilated_width = (output_width - 1) * stride + 1;
    typename ndarray<T, dilated_height, dilated_width>::type y = {};

    for (int i = 0; i < output_height; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < output_width; j++)
            y[i*dilation][j*dilation] = x[i][j];

    return y;


In this example we’ll use ReLU activations with convolution layers.

 * Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) class template
 * implements ReLU activarion funtion
 * f(x) = max(x, alpha * x)
template<typename T = float, const T alpha=0.25, std::size_t... Dims>
struct ReLU
  typedef ndarray<T, Dims...>::type input_t;
  typedef ndarray<T, Dims...>::type output_t;

   * x is for saving input to forward() call, used later in the backward() pass.
  input_t x;

   * ReLU forward pass
  output_t forward(input_t input_x)
    x = input_x;
                [](T& xi)
                  xi = std::max<T>(xi, alpha * xi);
    return input_x;

   * ReLU backward pass
  input_t backward(output_t dx)
    for_each_nd(dx, x,
                [](T& dx_i, T& x_i)
                  dx_i = (x_i > 0) ? dx_i : static_cast<T>(alpha * dx_i);

    return dx;

   * No trainabele weights in ReLU
  void train(float lr)


Flatten layer reshapes 2D output of the last convolution to one dimension array expected by Dense layer.

 * Flatten class converts input N-dimentional array to 1 dimentional array
 * in the forward() call, and applies inverse 1-D to N-D conversion in the backward() call
template<typename T = float,
         std::size_t outer_dim = 1,
         std::size_t... Dims>
struct Flatten

  typedef ndarray<float, outer_dim, Dims...> input_array;
  typedef input_array::type input_type;
  typedef array<T, input_array::size> output_type;
  static constexpr std::size_t size_inner = {(Dims * ...)};

  output_type forward(const input_type& x)
    output_type y;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < outer_dim; i++)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < size_inner; j++)
            y[i+j*outer_dim] = ndarray<float, Dims...>::ndarray_at(x[i], j);
    return y;

  input_type backward(const output_type& y)
    input_type x;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < outer_dim; i++)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < size_inner; j++)
            ndarray<float, Dims...>::ndarray_at(x[i], j) = y[i+j*outer_dim];

    return x;

   * No trainable weights in Flatten
  void train(float lr)


Forward path of Softmax layer computes Softmax(x) = exp(x) / sum (exp(x))

See “DNN with backpropagation in C++, part 5. Adding Softmax layer” for details.

 * Softmax layer class template
template<size_t num_inputs, typename T = float>
struct Softmax
  typedef array<T, num_inputs> input_vector;
  typedef array<T, num_inputs> output_vector;

   * Softmax temperature
  static constexpr T tau = 1.0;
  static constexpr T eps = 2.22044604925e-16;

   * x is for saving input to forward() call, and is used in the backward() pass.
  input_vector x;

   * Softmax forward function
  output_vector forward(const input_vector& input_x)
    output_vector y;

     * Save input to forward()
    x = input_x;

     * Subtract max(X) from X for softmax stability
    T max_x = *std::max_element(input_x.begin(), input_x.end());

     * compute exp(x_i) / sum(exp(x_i), i=1..N)
    transform(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(),
              [&max_x](const T& xi)
                T out = expf( (xi - max_x) / tau);
                return out;

    T sum = accumulate(y.begin(), y.end(), static_cast<T>(0.0)) + eps;
    for_each(y.begin(), y.end(), [sum](T &yi){ yi /= sum;});

    return y;

   * Softmax backward function
  input_vector backward(const output_vector& grad_inp)
    input_vector grad_out;

     * Compute Jacobian of Softmax
    std::array<input_vector, num_inputs> J;

    const input_vector y = forward(x);
    int diag_idx = 0;
    transform(y.begin(), y.end(), J.begin(),
              [&diag_idx, y](const auto& y_i)
                auto ret = y;
                for_each(ret.begin(), ret.end(), [y_i](T& y_j){ y_j = -y_i * y_j;});
                ret[diag_idx++] += y_i;
                return ret;

     * Compute dot product of gradient and Softmax Jacobian
    transform(J.begin(), J.end(), grad_out.begin(),
              [grad_inp](const input_vector& j)
                T val = inner_product(j.begin(), j.end(), grad_inp.begin(), 0.0);
                return val;
    return grad_out;


   * No trainable weights in softmax
  void train(float lr)


Crossentropy loss class computes categorical cross-entopy loss for

onehot labels input y and probabilities input yhat.

 * Categorical Crossentropy loss
 * Forward:
 *  E = - sum(y * log(yhat))
 * Parameters:
 *  num_inputs: number of inputs to loss function.
 *  T: input type, float by defaut.
template<size_t num_inputs, typename T = float>
struct CCE

  typedef array<T, num_inputs> input_vector;
  static constexpr float eps = 2.22044604925e-16;

   * Forward pass computes CCE loss for inputs y (label) and yhat (predicted)
  static T forward(const input_vector& y, const input_vector& yhat)
    T loss = transform_reduce(y.begin(), y.end(), yhat.begin(), 0.0, plus<T>(),
                              [](const T& y_i, const T& yhat_i)
                                return y_i * logf(yhat_i + eps);

    return -1 * loss;

   * Backward pass computes dloss/dy for inputs yhat (label) and y (predicted):
   * dloss/dy = - yhat/y
  static input_vector backward(const input_vector& y, const input_vector& yhat)
    array<T, num_inputs> de_dy;

    transform(y.begin(), y.end(), yhat.begin(), de_dy.begin(),
              [](const T& y_i, const T& yhat_i)
                return -1 * y_i / (yhat_i + eps) + 1.0;

    return de_dy;


Sequential class template constructs DNN from template parameters.

Sequential class provides high level wrappers for forward(), backward(), and train() functions:

 * Sequential class template
 *  Creates DNN layer from template list
 *  Implements higher level forward(), backward() and train() functions
template<typename... T>
struct Sequential
   * layers array hosld DN layer objects
  std::array<std::variant<T...>, sizeof...(T)> layers;

   * Sequential constructor
     * Create DNN layers from the template list
    auto create_layers = [this]<std::size_t... I>(std::index_sequence<I...>)
        (void(layers[I].template emplace<I>(T())),...);
    create_layers(std::make_index_sequence <sizeof...(T)>());

   * Sequential forward pass will call each layer forward() function
  template<size_t index=sizeof...(T)-1, typename Tn>
  auto forward(Tn& x)
    if constexpr(index == 0)
         return std::get<index>(layers[index]).forward(x);
        auto y_prev = forward<index-1>(x);
        auto ret =  std::get<index>(layers[index]).forward(y_prev);
        return ret;

   * Sequential backward pass will call each layer backward() function
  template<size_t index=0, typename Tn>
  auto backward(Tn& dy)
    if constexpr(index == sizeof...(T)-1)
         return std::get<index>(layers[index]).backward(dy);
        auto dy_prev = backward<index+1>(dy);
        return std::get<index>(layers[index]).backward(dy_prev);

   * Sequential class train() invokes each layer train() function
  void train(float learning_rate)
    [this, learning_rate]<std::size_t... I> (std::index_sequence<I...>)
        (void(std::get<I>(layers[I]).train(learning_rate)), ...);
      }(std::make_index_sequence <sizeof...(T)>());

The main() function:

  • creates instanses of train and validation dataset;
  • constructs a DNN consisting of series of confolution layers followed by desne layer, and sofrmax.
  • runs training loop for 250 epochs;
  • iterates over entire train datased in each epoch;
  • computes f1 score for validation datased after each epoch.
int main()
  const int input_channels = 3;
  const int input_height = 32;
  const int input_width = 32;
  const int kernel_size = 3;
  const int num_classes = 10;
  float learning_rate = 0.001;
  const int print_frequency = 20;
  const int batch_size = 50;
  const int num_epochs = 10;

   * Accuracy score
  f1<num_classes, float> f1;

   * DNN input image and label
  ndarray<float, input_channels, input_height, input_width>::type x;
  std::array<float, num_classes> y_true;

   * Parse CIFAR10 dataset
  cifar<num_classes> train_ds({
  cifar<num_classes> valid_ds({"./cifar-10-batches-bin/test_batch.bin"});
  cifar_meta<num_classes> meta("./cifar-10-batches-bin/batches.meta.txt");

  printf("traininig dataset: %d records\n", train_ds.num_records);
  printf("validaton dataset: %d records\n", valid_ds.num_records);

   * DNN contains several downsampling convolution layers followed by fully connected layer.
  Sequential< Conv2D<8,                      /* output channels */
                     input_channels,         /* input channels */
                     input_height,           /* input height */
                     input_width,            /* input width */
                     kernel_size,            /* convolution kernel size */
                     1,                      /* stride */
                     false>,                 /* use bias */

              ReLU<float, 0.25f, 8, input_height, input_width>,


              ReLU<float, 0.25f, 8, input_height / 2, input_width / 2>,

                     input_height / 2,
                     input_width / 2,

              ReLU<float, 0.25f, 16, input_height / 2, input_width / 2>,

                     input_height / 2,
                     input_width / 2,

              ReLU<float, 0.25f, 16, input_height / 4, input_width / 4>,

                     input_height / 4,
                     input_width / 4,

              ReLU<float, 0.25f, 32, input_height / 4, input_width / 4>,

                     input_height / 4,
                     input_width / 4,

              ReLU<float, 0.25f, 32, input_height / 8, input_width / 8>,

              Flatten<float, 32, input_height / 8, input_width / 8>,

              Dense<32 * input_height  * input_width / (8 * 8), num_classes>,

              Softmax<num_classes>> net;

   * Loss function
  CCE<num_classes> cce;

   * Training loop
  for (auto epoch = 0; epoch < num_epochs; epoch++)
      float loss_train_avg = 0.0;
      float loss_valid_avg = 0.0;
      float loss = 0;


      const int num_iter = train_ds.num_records / batch_size;
      for (auto iter = 0; iter < num_iter; iter++)
          for (auto idx = 0; idx < batch_size; idx++)
               * Read next image and label
              auto ret = train_ds.read_next(x, y_true);
              assert(ret == 0);

               * Forward path
              auto y_pred = net.forward(x);

               * Compute loss
              loss = cce.forward(y_true, y_pred);
              assert(false == std::isnan(loss));
              loss_train_avg += loss;

               * Backward path
              auto dy = cce.backward(y_true, y_pred);

               * Update weights


           * Print stats
          if ( (iter % print_frequency) == 0)
              printf("epoch %d/%d; iter %d/%d; avg. training loss: %7.4f\r",
                     epoch+1, num_epochs, iter, num_iter, loss_train_avg / ((iter+1) * batch_size));

      printf("epoch %d/%d; iter %d/%d; avg. training loss: %7.4f\n",
             epoch+1, num_epochs, num_iter, num_iter, loss_train_avg / (num_iter * batch_size));

      loss_train_avg /= train_ds.num_records;

       * Validation loop

      for (auto iter = 0; iter < valid_ds.num_records; iter++)
          auto ret = valid_ds.read_next(x, y_true);
          assert(ret == 0);

          auto y_pred = net.forward(x);
          auto loss = cce.forward(y_true, y_pred);

          loss_valid_avg += loss;
          f1.update(y_true, y_pred);
      loss_valid_avg /= valid_ds.num_records;

      printf("epoch %d/%d; avg. train loss: %7.4f; avg. valid loss: %7.4f; f1: %5.3f\n",
             epoch+1, num_epochs, loss_train_avg, loss_valid_avg, f1.score());

  return 0;

Let’s build and run the example

I’ve used g++ 11 for building source code:

$ g++ --version
g++ (Ubuntu 11.1.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1) 11.1.0
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

For clarity, this cifar10 classifier code is not optimized. It runs on single core, and can take a while to converge. After 20 epochs and ~40 hours we get to 62 percent accuracy:

$ g++-11 -o conv9 -Wall -std=c++2a  -g -gg$ g++-11 -o conv9 -Wall -std=c++2a  -g -ggdb conv9.cpp && time ./conv9
traininig dataset: 50000 records
validaton dataset: 10000 records
epoch 1/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  2.2209
epoch 1/20; avg. train loss:  2.2209; avg. valid loss:  1.9290; f1: 0.282
epoch 2/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.7482
epoch 2/20; avg. train loss:  1.7482; avg. valid loss:  1.6130; f1: 0.412
epoch 3/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.5280
epoch 3/20; avg. train loss:  1.5280; avg. valid loss:  1.4709; f1: 0.462
epoch 4/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.4345
epoch 4/20; avg. train loss:  1.4345; avg. valid loss:  1.4005; f1: 0.496
epoch 5/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.3734
epoch 5/20; avg. train loss:  1.3734; avg. valid loss:  1.3467; f1: 0.514
epoch 6/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.3203
epoch 6/20; avg. train loss:  1.3203; avg. valid loss:  1.3106; f1: 0.529
epoch 7/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.2686
epoch 7/20; avg. train loss:  1.2686; avg. valid loss:  1.2675; f1: 0.547
epoch 8/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.2202
epoch 8/20; avg. train loss:  1.2202; avg. valid loss:  1.2370; f1: 0.558
epoch 9/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.1767
epoch 9/20; avg. train loss:  1.1767; avg. valid loss:  1.2236; f1: 0.566
epoch 10/20; iter 920/1000; avg. training loss:  1.1402
epoch 10/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.1376
epoch 10/20; avg. train loss:  1.1376; avg. valid loss:  1.1949; f1: 0.581
epoch 11/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.1025
epoch 11/20; avg. train loss:  1.1025; avg. valid loss:  1.1914; f1: 0.586
epoch 12/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.0710
epoch 12/20; avg. train loss:  1.0710; avg. valid loss:  1.1699; f1: 0.595
epoch 13/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.0428
epoch 13/20; avg. train loss:  1.0428; avg. valid loss:  1.1621; f1: 0.597
epoch 14/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  1.0172
epoch 14/20; avg. train loss:  1.0172; avg. valid loss:  1.1459; f1: 0.602
epoch 15/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  0.9930
epoch 15/20; avg. train loss:  0.9930; avg. valid loss:  1.1237; f1: 0.605
epoch 16/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  0.9702
epoch 16/20; avg. train loss:  0.9702; avg. valid loss:  1.1177; f1: 0.610
epoch 17/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  0.9491
epoch 17/20; avg. train loss:  0.9491; avg. valid loss:  1.1183; f1: 0.612
epoch 18/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  0.9289
epoch 18/20; avg. train loss:  0.9289; avg. valid loss:  1.1097; f1: 0.615
epoch 19/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  0.9109
epoch 19/20; avg. train loss:  0.9109; avg. valid loss:  1.1025; f1: 0.620
epoch 20/20; iter 1000/1000; avg. training loss:  0.8931
epoch 20/20; avg. train loss:  0.8931; avg. valid loss:  1.1090; f1: 0.618

real    2298m24.441s
user    2297m31.079s
sys     0m44.751s

Source code

C++ source code for this example is available at conv9.cpp, cifar.h, f1.h, ndarray.h

Written on November 2, 2021